Khushwant Singh's Joke Book 3

Khushwant Singh's Joke Book 3

₹ 195

More laughs! More laughter!!

Another super collection of naughty and not-sonaughty jokes, humorous anecdotes, comic interludes, hilarious situations and bitchy remarks, selected by Khushwant Singh from amongst the thousands contributed by his readers and fans — and some manufactured by him. All dedicated to getting the humorless Indians to smile and to laugh.

His earlier collection of jokes, Khushwant Singh’s Joke Book and Khushwant Singh’ s Joke Book II have both been runaway bestsellers having sold over 1,00,000 copies, a rare phenomenon in Indian publishing. They were widely hailed for "poking fun at Indians and lampooning politicians.” One reviewer paid a rich compliment by describing the books as “designed with malice towards one and all and to give the reader a pain in the belly."


Khushwant Singh

Book Details

ISBN: 9788122201383 | Format: Paperback, eBook | Language: English | Extent:  144 pp